
Sunday, July 24, 2022

Keep crafting

 Stop comparing. That’s what I need to keep telling myself. Keep creating even if you don’t feel like your work is all that great. God created us to be creative beings. It fuels something crucial inside of us. A reason to live, a sense of belonging and purpose. So keep on making things that didn’t exist before you!!

A.DD. blogger

 I get in to something. Then I move on to something else. Then come back to it. A bit ago I realized another writing blog I had was deleted and was devastated since it was not backed up anywhere. So I’m beyond excited when this one was still active. 

I also want to sell my clay stuff again and I don’t want the business cards I printed to go to waste too. Anyway, there’s my keep it active post. Yay! Let the crafting begin!!! Again…