
Thursday, April 17, 2014

Re - Finding Me

There are kids and husband and friends and church and work and in between all of that, there is me. Time for me. Those quiet moments I get to remember who I am. My personality, my likes and dis likes. My past and thoughts of the future. My fun to do list. My appreciation for my life and all that has been in it. My talents and things I have created and have been completely proud of even if no one else in the world cared about it but me. And that is where I find me. And because of the process of re discovering me, I can once again start another day trying to make it a good one.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Dealings with those things called emotions..

Today, I still love my worry, but it's been a difficult one. I have diagnosed K with the terrible fours. She never really had the terrible twos, or really the threes, but there is something different about now. Although if I think more about it, it may be this thing called dealing with emotions and how to cope with outside elements that cause her to react negatively when I ask her to do things she does not want to do or not allow her to do things she has requested to do.

Won't this be interesting for her to look back on and read someday. If she will have glimpses of these hard days we continue to have. And how the thoughts I share throughout this blog will help her in her perspective when she has children someday. As I was showering, trying to cool down from all the frustration, a thought popped into my head... She was not trying to attack you as a mother, disrespect you intentionally.. All she knew in that moment of "childhood rage" is that she does not feel well, she loves her mother, and she does not want to take a bath. There are different levels of attention, acceptance, and care that can be measured with people in or around our world. Those that simply need or want something we have, those that used to be close to us and now because of one reason or another, are not, those we deal with everyday without our immediate choice, those that we love and look forward or speaking to; the list goes on. Those little ones in my very own home love and forgive me more than I deserve and that is a timeless truth. So I will now finish this post, pick up lil S. That just woke up and go snuggle and apologize to my two girly treasures. Yes. That is what I will do!
Wow, now don't we all feel better?

Monday, April 7, 2014

The 26 Mondays of Conference

I love having links all in one place and I am adding these, hoping that you will too!

Join with my family and I as we focus on remembering the messages we heard in this past General Conference. If you felt anything like I did, thoughts of conquering the world and sharing this great message with 'so and so' and giving a pass along card to each cashier at the grocery store, etc. So today I will start with conquering my world.. the world of Family Home Evening that is.

There are 26 Mondays until our next General Conference. I will be picking the 26 messages from this April 2014 Conference that most impacted me and then you will have a chance to find those special words in these messages that impacted you as well.  I had this idea while watching conference and just thought I would share with all of you. And if anyone would like to call that a hint of inspiration, I would.

April 7th 2014 Family Home Evening - Jeffrey R. Holland

Today my husband planned ours and decided to start with the first one. Elder Jeffrey R. Holland's talk. What he took away from it is the even greater need we have to stand up for our believes, lives them, love them and find new and unique ways of doing so.

You can watch his message here.

We started by singing "I hope they call me on a mission."

You can find the words and music here. 

Our scripture was Alma 17: 2-6. This is when Alma, by God's grace, came across his fellow brethren, the sons of Mosiah.
 I would encourage you to read through it all if time and children's attention span permit. ;) *notice that wink there.*

Happy Teaching! And of course, Make it Your Own :D

April 14th 2014 Family Home Evening -
Ronald A. Rasband - The Joyful Burden of Discipleship.

You can watch his message here. 

Song: "Follow the Prophet" (words and music)

Scripture: D&C 81:5 (Link)

April 21st 2014
"Christ the Redeemer" by Carlos H. Amado

You can watch this message here.

Song: "I Feel My Saviors Love"
Words and Music

Scripture:  John 20:17

April 28th 2014
"Protection from Pornography- A Christ Focused Home" by Linda S. Reeves

You can watch this video here

Song: "Keep The Commandments"
Words and Music

Scripture: 2 Nephi 25:26

May 5th 2014
"Spiritual Whirlwinds" by Neil L. Andersen
You can watch this message here
(Has a "Windy Tree Metaphor" link to a short video)

Song: "I Know My Father Lives"
  Words and Music

Scripture: John 14:18

May 12th 2014
"A Priceless Heritage of Hope" By President Henry B. Eyring

You can watch this message here

Song: "Do What Is Right"
Music and Lyrics

Scripture: 3 Nephi 10:5

Amazing right!?

May 19th 2014 Family Home Evening

"Let your Faith Show" by Elder Russell. M. Nelson

You can watch this message here.

Song: "Faith", in the Primary Songbook

You can find the words and music here.

Our scripture was Alma 32:21
and Moroni 10:20

May 26th 2014
"I Have Given You An Example" by Elder Richard G. Scott

You can watch this message here

Song: "Come Follow Me" in the hymn book

You can find the words and music here.

Our scripture was Mosiah 2:17

June 2nd 2014
"If Ye Love Me, Keep My Commandments" by Elder Robert D. Hales

You can watch this message here

Song: "Choose The Right"
Music and Lyrics here

Matthew 25:21

June 9th 2014
"Let's Not Take the Wrong Way" By Elder Claudio D. Zivic

You can watch this message here

Song: "Did you Think to Pray?"
Lyrics and Music 

D&C 43:23

June 16th 2014
"What Are You Thinking?" By Elder W. Craig Zwick

Watch this message here

Song: "Love One Another"
Music and Lyrics

Proverbs 15:1

June 23rd 2014
"Roots and Branches" by Elder Quentin L. Cook

Watch this message here

"When He Comes Again"
Music and Lyrics

D&C 110: 14-16

June 30th 2014
"Are You Sleeping through The Restoration?" By Dieter F. Uchtdorf

You can watch this message here

"When We're Helping"

2 Nephi 1:23

July 7th 2014
"Grateful in Any Circumstances" By President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

You can watch this message here.

"I Thank Thee, Dear Father"

Scripture: "Live in Thanksgiving Daily"
Alma 34:38

July 14th 2014
"Following Up" By M. Russell Ballard

You can watch this message here

"Called to Serve:

D&C 88:81

July 21st 2014
"Fear Not; I Am With Thee" By Sister Jean A. Stevens

You can watch this message here

"Where Love Is"
Music and Lyrics 

Isaiah 41:10

July 28th 2014
"Your Four Minutes" by Bishop Gary E. Stevenson
You can watch it here.

I Will Follow God's Plan
Words, Music and Lyrics here.

Alma 34:32
You can read it here. 

August 4th 2014
"Bear Up Their Burdens with Ease" by Elder David A. Bednar.
You can watch or read it here.

My Heavenly Father Loves Me
Lyrics and music here

D&C 100:12
You can read it here.

August 11th 2014
"Love-The Essence of the Gospel" by President Thomas S. Monson
You can watch or read it here.

Love is Spoken Here
Music and Lyrics here.

D&C 121:43
You can read it here

August 17th 2014
"The Witness" by Elder Boyd K. Packer
You can watch or read it here.

"Did Jesus really live again?"
Music and lyrics here.

2 Nephi 25:26
You can read it here.

August 24th 2014
"Live True to the Faith" by Elder William R. Walker
You can read or watch it here.

"Dare To Do Right"
Music and lyrics here.

John 10:27
You can read it here.

September 1st 2014
"Obedience Through our Faithfulness" by Elder L. Tom Perry
You can read or watch it here.

"Keep The Commandments"
Music and lyrics here.

Hebrews 11:1
You can read it here.

September 8th 2014
"The Prophet Joseph Smith" by Elder Lawrence E. Corbridge
You can read or watch it here.

"On a Golden Springtime"
Music and lyrics here.

Moroni 10:3-5
You can read it here.

September 15th 2014
"Where Your Treasure Is" by Elder Michael John U. Teh
You can watch or read it here.

"I'm Trying to Be like Jesus"
Music and lyrics here.

3 Nephi 13:19-21
You can read it here.

September 22nd 2014
"If Ye Lack Wisdom" By Elder Marcos A. Aidukaitis
You can read or watch it here.

"Search, Ponder and Pray"
Music and lyrics here.

Alma 12:10
You can read it here.

September 29th 2014
"The Resurrection of Jesus Christ" By Elder D. Todd Christofferson
You can read or watch it here.

"He Sent His Son"
Music and lyrics here.

3 Nephi 27: 13-14
You can read it here.

I hope you have benefited from this string of gospel goodness. I also hope that it gave you the idea to continue studying previous conference talks personally, as well as with your family!

To Offer One Another

We all have something new and unique to offer this world. It happens in our own way and in our own time. Each of us are in a different stage, age, spot of progression. We all have ambitions, goals, desires that differ from one another. Respect plays a big role in how we react to those that come in contact with "our own lil world." We can choose to adore, give thanks and appreciation. We can also choose to compare and rank ourselves in the place above or below someone else. I hope and pray that we can celebrate and appreciate each others differences.

Starting this blog, I have felt myself get a little overwhelmed with all I find online. It is the "natural man" to feel down or jealous or critical or judgmental. So with that in mind, we can point out our faults, choose to change and embrace the fact that we are grateful there are those out there willing to share their ideas and achievements with friends, family and complete strangers. I am loving what I find and I hope you will find something here that you like as well!

I was able to write to a few of my favored blog ladies and ask for their help and advice with setting up my own blog. Several were able to respond to the message I sent and offer advice for me. I appreciate them dearly for taking time out of their busy schedules to assist someone starting out in her desire to add her own ideas to the long list of women's achievements. (I say women because the blogs I am drawn to are ladies who like to craft, create, share and inspire!)

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Heaven's Film

Here is one of many articles that I have written.
So it's five in the morning, I have been up for two hours, and am now holding a precious little baby in my arms as she sleeps. If she wakes up, she breathes faster and faster which causes her to realize her nose is all conjested. So I am holding her, in hopes that if she wakes herself up then I can softly rock her back to sleep. I have been thinking about how great it would be to relief my bladder, get my ice cold water from the fridge, my oat and honey granola bar and maybe a chick flick playing in the back ground of all my thoughts as I sit here. Not sleeping.

When I get to heaven, one of the first "films" I am going to request to watch is moments similar to the one I'm having now in my own mothers life when she was home with her young family. Through vague memories of my lil childhood home, mixed with multiple pictures I've come to cherish of my younger years, I can almost picture a scene such as this:

With sneezes and sniffles, requests for snuggles, books read and noodle soup served, the day has finally ended. Three children all sleeping. She gets a moment to change her clothes, brush her teeth, and then.. The crying one is heard. Mustering up that mommy mode strength, she goes to retrieve her teary eyed child before the others awake from the sound. Now that baby girl knows two things; she doesn't feel quite right and momma makes it all better. So she settles right down for a snooze in those warm 'fit for just me' arms. Mommy is exhausted, warn out, and imagines that tomorrow won't be much different. But because of the deep love she has for her precious angels, she looks around for a seat.

Toys, tissues, wrappers and cups, she finds a spot on the couch, moving minimal items, as to make the least amount of noise. Getting as comfortable as possible, she soon realizes there won't be much sleeping on her part.

Now she settled down on that couch and not in her warm comfortable bed. She she did because she knew her hard working husband needed his sleep if he was going to get up early to work all day to provide for the cough medicine, diapers and fruit loops

With her toes she can just barely reach her novel that had been knocked off the table onto the floor. She remembers she got it out that morning when she thought her three girls had been sleeping in because their bodies needed the well needed rest to heal. She had opened it, only to hear giggles coming from the back room.

Now was her chance to finish that one sentence she had left off on. I wonder if she got lost within those pages, with a moment "to herself." I wonder if she imagined herself in another place or time. I can only imagine how she may have had thoughts "what if" or "maybe when." .

But then I remember my mother. I remember the thoughts she has shared with me about how much she loves being a mom, now and back then. When I have asked her advice on all the "hard stuff" she simply does not recall enough information to relay back to me tips on detailed circumstances.

See? It really won't be like this for long! Besides thoughts and feelings I record, God helps you forget the every day hard and remember the significant good! He does this for a reason. So that we continue on with life and know it will all turn out ok. If my mother decided those sleepless sick filled nights were just too difficult to go through again, I wouldn't have my two younger amazing, helpful, wonderful siblings! Oh what a heart renching thought. Sure if that was the case, I wouldn't have known what I was missing out on, but I do and the thought is sad.

She didn't know then she would have a boy next, and then another girl. She didn't know that they would reside in that trailer court housing six more years before they bought a house a few miles from that spot.

She didn't know how many tears she would shed for her children. How many nights she would stay up and worry. How many owees she'd kiss, arguments she would lose, tantrums she'd tame, laughs she'd create.   How she come to accept in laws into the family in her own way and time. How much she would completely love being a grandma. How when her children had their first kids, how much they would call to just say thank you or how heart felt the Mother's Day cards are that they now write to you.

It was always worth it. But oh how she didn't know how the most sincere thank you's would come 25 years later when a child of her own walked a mile in her shoes.

I believe she was excited for whatever lay ahead of her.

6:21am. On this couch I hear my first spring morning bird sing. It's still going to be a wonderful day.