
Monday, March 24, 2014

Obsess Less

For the first time in a month or so, both children are fast asleep, in the middle of the day, at the same time! I have to pause for a moment, thinking of all the possibilities of tasks and projects I could be doing right now.. then I get to work cleaning like a girl you knows she is going to feel better when they awake. I sweep first and in that pile of dirt there are tiny white star sprinkles. I laugh to myself realizing I have not really swept since St. Patricks Day, a week ago.

 It makes me remember how K cried because she was so upset, thinking of all the trouble she was going to be in when I walk back into the kitchen. I had made green waffles and let her have green and white sprinkles on them. We had fun mixing the food coloring into the batter and watching the swirls turn into a fresh minty color. I had left the room, she had poured more sprinkles on her plate to eat plain, not realizing how fast they come out. I had to calm her down when I came back in, reminding her accidents happen and apologizing for her fear of being scolded. I knew that was coming from all the times I had already been in a frustrated mood about something else and blown off the handle at something that in a normal circumstance, I never would have gotten so steamed about.

I know that is something I need to better at. Teach more, discipline less. As I am dusting the living room, I find a plastic shamrock behind the computer back up battery on the floor. I belongs on a green necklace from our St. Patricks Day decorations. I now remember, about 4 days later, K trying to tell me it broke and me telling her that I would help her later because I was busy.. probably tidying something when I should have sat down and looked her in the eye and helped her fix her problem. Then remembering the same dilemma came up the next day, at a time I was also not paying attention.

In these quiet moments, I get to stop and think about my 'lil pretty puff princess and my goofy 'i have an idea' girl. Those two treasures are why I am even at home with the opportunity to clean, create, decor-i-tize, dream, nap and sit still. Why I don't have a manager pressuring me on a deadline or co workers who don't see eye to eye with each other. Why I don't have to wake at 6 am to do hair and make up day in and day out, surrounded by those who don't love and truly appreciate.

So I know I will find more 'joy in my journey' if I see more and obsess less. I keep hearing how fast time flys. I keep hearing they will not be small for long. I keep hearing that these are the best days and I will miss it when things like, K running towards me in church after primary, trips on her 'too big for her' sandals and gets a big rug burn. Then talks about it for days. All that will be gone and I will only have entries, pictures and memories to look back on. They won't be RIGHT THERE forever. I want to be there for this, soak it all in and looking back, know that I did appreciate and love the moments I was in.

That is my goal. It is a big one, but one I feel is one of the most important.
Picture displayed here.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Link to Motherhood Quote

 I just wanted to link back to a post from this sweet mother, who blogs daily about her LDS faith and her life in general. The women who survived a plane crash and kept her optimism despite hardships.  

You can see this post and her blog here.

"I drove to the grocery store with Lottie today.
As I drove I looked at her in my rear view mirror; she was sitting in her
 car seat sucking her binkie and looking out the window.  
Her big brown eyes blinking and watching the world out the window.
There are times in motherhood that are incredibly validating.
For me, this was one of them.
Looking at this beautiful creature in the back seat I thought about how
 amazing it truly was that Mr. Nielson and I created her.  
She is a beautiful and perfect little soul who's
 blood is my blood and who's spirit is connected to mine.

At that moment, I actually felt like a queen.

I know the world sends mothers and women messages that motherhood is boring, 
thankless and is for women who aren't educated enough to do anything else with their lives.

I think its the closest to royalty a woman can get in this world.

I have never done anything more fulfilling, more rewarding,
and more God-like than being a "plain old mother".
Of course its challenging, but I wouldn't claim the role as queen 
 if it wasn't going to help me stretch, grow, change, satisfy, frustrate,
exhaust enrich and help me experience true joy daily."


I just had to create this blog before someone else took the name I picked for it :D Whether I ever added to it or not.

There will be crafting, positive thoughts, free printables, LDS items among other things on this blog. So, I was first thinking there are a couple things I would like to share with my fellow pinterest people, but could not figure out how to 'upload by pinner' ; add something without it actually being connected to a site. So if I made my own blog, I could pin my pictures from that.

I also was able to read this about blogging when you have children to take care of.
She talks about how you can blog when those kids are sleeping, compile thoughts in your head during the few precious quiet times in the day or write down notes on paper when they come to you.

"Blogging with kids can be an adventure–but you are recording memories that generations upon generations can read, and being your very own family’s historian".
You can see it here.

So, a couple months ago I was praying for missionary experiences. The next day, this was a headline on our internet main page on lds.org

You can see it here though I copied and pasted it because of how much I just wanted it right here to remind me.
I did not want to take it as just "a coincidence," so I finally acted on it. Whether I have 'followers' on this blog or not, I know that throughout this 'journal entry' journey, I will effect someone with my desire to speak up through the written word! :D (you will find I like the quotation marks..)

Sharing via Blogs

Publishing your life through a blog can be an excellent way to share with the world what being a member of the Church means to you.
Share with the world what being a member of the Church means to you.

What to Share?

You can be a missionary just by being a good example of a member of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. For example, telling your
 friends you went to church on Sunday lets them know you participate
 actively in the gospel. By your everyday actions, others can also know
 that Mormons strive to follow Christ.
Now imagine your influence expanding even greater on a blog.

Blogging Basics

Not sure where to blog? You can use websites that are easy to use and publish with, like Blogger
 or Wordpress.
Don’t forget to promote your blog. Ask your family, friends, and fellow members in the Church
 to subscribe to your blog. Share the link to blog posts on your social media channels.
Interact with your readers by replying to comments. You can also link to other blogs in your posts.
Most important, follow the Holy Ghost’s guidance as you contemplate ways you can use your
blog to share the gospel.

3 Tips That Will Make a Big Difference 

1. Write about your day-to-day life
2. Update your blog often
3. Share experiences or what you learn at Church or in your family home evening

Monday, March 17, 2014

To Start

I wanted my own space to share the things I have created. It is so fun to visit other mommy blogs, browse Pinterest and get inspiration for all I want to accomplish for my family and I.

When I create, I start with what I already have. The wheels start turning and there is so much potential with gratitude for the things the Lord has given you.

One of my favorite LDS talks given in a General Conference, by Elder Dieter Uchtdorf is "Create."
You can see it here.

He explains how we are all God's children so we all have the ability to create in different ways.

I have a lot to learn and a lot of ways to grow and the desire to do so. I hope if you come across this blog you will enjoy browsing around :D