
Monday, November 17, 2014

Compliments with depth

There are these moments. The ones that make all the hard, frustrating and discouraging moments all seem like nothing. The ones that get you through the lows; from one high moment to the next.

 The constant stream of a busy day continuing without pauses in between.. then bedtime. The children are sleeping, the house is a mess but it is one of those calm evenings where, for some strange reason, it does not bother you. Husband is done with work, done texting colleagues, finished up studying, all ready for sleep. And then he sits down with you, looks you in the eye and thanks you for all you do. 'Thank you for being a great wife. Thank you for taking such good care of our kids, for keeping the house clean, for all you do. Being a sweet, calm natured person, that can't be educated into someone, but that is what you are for me. Everyone gets frustrated or overwhelmed, whether they have kids or not but you deal with everything so well. Being so agreeable with me working so much and going to school and different ideas and plans I have, your so well with it all.' (something of that nature.)

After you have been married for years and your past that newlywed stage, there are these deep compliments you long for, then learn to cherish. The ones that are past, 'your eyes sparkle like diamonds' or 'your lips send me shooting through the stars.' :D They are the ones with meaning and depth and emotion. He has teared up twice at the end of 'We bought a Zoo.' and he does not tear up too often at all. He talks of how hard that would be to lose your beloved spouse; "I was spoiled.. I had the real thing."  6 feet, 4 inches, 238 pounds. Strong and funny, always has a joke, a made up song, a movie quote, a pick up line to make me laugh and yet those times where the tears flow are just another one of those 'make me melt' times.

So when I receive the blessing of nights such as this one, they get me through and help remind me that he does appreciate me but men don't repeat them selves like a broken record when it comes to the words that matter most. It is definitely quality, not quantity with them. So when it comes, you gotta listen, appreciate and remember. Remember that they still mean those wonderful things they said.. they didn't take it back... when something hard comes along. They should be kept special, right at the forefront of your mind. And recall them whenever you need and remember how great it is to have someone who cares for you.
“If  he makes you laugh, kisses your forehead, says he’s sorry, makes an effort,
Holds  your hand, works hard ,attempts to understand you, then, believe it or not
He’s quite perfect.”

This is what I have for the heading of my Microsoft word document, where I write down the real great words; things he has said or done that I know I don't want to forget. Why do you have to picky? Why would you be out searching for more than that? Life is good. Love can be wonderful for two people who take a little but give a lot.

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