
Monday, November 24, 2014

If you make The Lord the number one you are "Following, " then He will be your number one "Follower."

When I started noticing different blogs, I glanced at the right hand side and noticed how many “followers” it had. I immediately began to fill uncomfortable with the term. I have learned my whole life that we needed to be “Followers of Christ” and that phrase had been trademarked in my mind to mean something very special. To follow, by definition, means “an adherent or devotee of a particular person, cause or activity.”

I would like to share with you an experience I had one evening. I have been re-reading the conference talks of this past October 2014 General Conference. I came across one that must have been during the session of the conference I had missed. “Approaching the Throne of God with Confidence.”By Elder Jorg Klebingat. I would like to share a quote from his talk. The adversary “..will seek access to your heart to tell you lies-lies that Heavenly Father is disappointed in you, that the Atonement is beyond your reach, that there is no point in even trying, that everyone else is better than you, that you are unworthy, and a thousand variations of that same evil theme. “ (I encourage you to read or watch it if you have not already.)

At times, I think, at some point in our lives, we have all thought some form of one or more of these. I thought of the blog I am trying to start up..”there is no point in even trying.. everyone else is better than you.” . . I currently have no followers.. who would want to hear what I have to say? Who would be interested in what I have to make? Nobody will even read these posts. As tears came, recognizing that such thoughts were coming from the adversary, I then was overcome with  a peaceful impression..  “I will read them. If you will make me the number one you are following, I will be your number one follower.”

The Holy Ghost spoke peace to my troubled soul. “You’re Right!” I exclaimed! If  I am on the Lord’s side and He is on my side, it doesn't matter who else is. If we make Him the center of our lives, we WILL have the faith to fulfill our divine destiny! And in time we will come to know what the term divine destiny means to us in our personal lives. Fear and faith cannot exist in the same place and if we strive to live as He would have us live, we WILL have the courage to do great things. Maybe not in the world’s eyes, but in His eyes. There ARE comforting words to speak to one that needs to hear them. There ARE motivational moments to share with the one that needs a daily lift. We are His Hands. We need to ask ourselves daily, “If I don’t help them, who will?” Do not wait for someone else to lift a load when our hands are able and we are right there to assist. I heard a quote long ago I think of often, “Live your life in a way that when you wake up in the morning, the devil says, ‘Oh no, They’re awake!’” There ARE things you have to offer others that no one else on this earth is able to. Think of that! I hope and pray we will not be so hard on ourselves that we give up in any degree on the things that matter most. The Lord. His Gospel. Our Families. Our ‘Neighbor’; our fellow men.

As I have thought more about “a follower” when it comes to an online definition, I realize we are not technically behind someone in rank or position. It simply means, we appreciate the work they put into what they do and we enjoy their efforts. I enjoy how there is no limit to how many blogs you can follow or how many facebook pages you can ‘like.’ If I appreciate what I see or read, I like to show that stranger or friend that their labors are benefiting me. To say thank you to a fellow member of God’s family. So if you have benefited from someone’s talent you have come across in the cyber world, don’t hesitate to click ‘follow.’ Hooray! That is my joyful thought for the day! I’m so glad I got it out there!

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